Community Living Wikwemikong Anishinabek is a non-profit organization that brings people living with an developmental disability and their communities together.
Community Living Wikwemikong Anishinabek is a non-profit organization that brings people living with an developmental disability and their communities together.
This code is intended to serve as a guide to the everyday conduct of Community Living Wikwemikong Anishinabek employees within the parameters of the association’s goal.
This code is based on our fundamental values which include recognition of the worth, dignity and uniqueness of all persons, as well as their rights and opportunities. It is also based on the nature of our support provision which fosters conditions that promote these values.
The code represents Community Living Wikwemikong Anishinabek’s expectations of ethical behavior in professional relationships with service users, their families and friends; colleagues and other professionals; the employer and the community.
As an employee of the Community Living Wikwemikong Anishinabek, I will conduct myself in a manner in accordance with the Teachings of the Seven Grandfathers.
Humility, Honesty, Truth, Respect, Bravery, Love, Wisdom